Crying Freeman - Shade of Death Part 2 [VIZ]

2021-03-28 07:28 UTC
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File size:
280.8 MiB
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I like to upload Internet archive bookfor my friends.what the fuck are you gonna do about it warcheef? and info link of the rapeman cutscene so what? who the fuck are you to judge? where's your fucking torrent? you're really fucking stupid aren't you? you think your shit comments gonna change things lol this fucking piece of shit going around every forum saying that I lure ppl into downloading my stuff thinking it was something else and he was the one who called me out and helped the ppl on nyaa. He also said that he doesn't feel bad about bullying me because I totally deserve it (for stealing stuffs and disguised IA scans with something else). Shut the fuck up! as if I need your sympathy you fucking piece of shit. I quit because I am lazy when it comes to seeding. Who the fuck argue about scan quality with someone like you who has nothing to offer? where's your fucking torrent? you dumb fuck. I'm pissed, more like disgusted because you are a fucking coward who keep beating around the bush. I SAID SEND ME YOUR PHOTO AND I'll MAKE THE FUCKER SERIES MORE INTERESTING! Where the fuck is your photo? stop with bullshit stories about why I had to take them jpgs down. and why the fuck do you have the needs to go around telling ppl from another forum about what happened in THIS forum? with your own version of the story? oh because you helped the community so you called me out and I ran bla bla. Lemme tell you the fucking story again: I uploaded my stuffs, the other guys said eww and showed me link to another torrent, I said keep that for yourself I like my stuff better. And you, the ass sucker, insulted me and I uploaded the credit page that says fuck your mom. So be a man, go tell people, "hey this guy said fuck my mom, (then showed ppl the torrent), so I bully him back". Why the fuck do you defend yourself in a different fucking forum? so you really care what people think about you. Lol. Ohhh you don't wanna people to know I made a credit page about your mom. Hahahaha. No one gives a fuck if you and your fuckers feel guitly being a cyber bully or not. Who the fuck hangout with you?dumb fucker. and don't let me start with your "english" again. most stupid shit I've ever heard from any Asian torrent site. Do you know what people from which countries run this website you dumb mother fucker?

File list

  • Crying_Freeman_-_Shade_of_Death_Part_2_[VIZ].cbz (280.8 MiB)
nyaa is prolly run by dutch people who in my experience speak excellent english oh and crusaders died like 700 years ago and nobody liked them either for the same reason: they were annoying as shit
Please keep going @ryosabeya, my dear friend, I absolutely love your texts. They are truly a work of art. In the same sense as that guy's paintings, the one the pukes color at a canvas. But since your scan quality is also comparable to puke I am not really surprised by this level of artistry. What am I going to do? Well... laugh. A lot. Especially at the fact that you are deluded enough to believe that anyone would pay enough mind to your sperging-out to actually go on a full black-PR campaign around the web. I just can't help but smile when I realize you are too mentally handicapped to even understand that dozens of different people all over the web are laughing their asses off reading your posts. To a degree, I feel bad for engaging the mentally deranged but I would say I almost owe them a duty to keep this show going. P.S. I'd send you a photo, but I'm afraid your self-esteem cannot deteriorate any further so ultimately I'll refrain from it. Better count your blessing my friend! :)
I'm SO GLAD TO SEE YOU COME BACK RYOSEBEYA!!!! Please, please please ignore the trolls, ALL of them they are not worth your time! If you can, please work on the other Garo batch you mentioned that you might do. There's so many people who could benefit and enjoy whatever you feel like sharing here and who really do appreciate your time and effort, thank you so much for EVERYTHING you have shared with us here!